Many employees share the same dream – that one day they’ll be able to resign from the daily grind of working for someone else and set up on the own. The only things holding them back are the lack of security, and how they’ll be able to meet their own financial commitments without a steady salary.
You should first remember that you don’t have to start big. Many international companies started off small-scale. Just think of Jeff Bezos’Amazon which began in his garage with a loan from his parents. The first thing you need is an original idea and preferably relating to something you’re interested in. For example, if you’re a talented cook, this passion could be transformed into a catering business and initially run from your kitchen with the minimum of overheads.
The other thing you should make sure of is that there’s a market for your service or product. The advent of the internet means you no longer have to be physically located near your client base. However, there must be a demand for your product or service and without too much competition from more well-established companies which might be able to undercut you.
You don’t need much …