There has been a clear perpetual and unbreakable connection between interior style and fashion. This is not solely based on how they each share fundamental aesthetic aspects rather on their ideas and expressions.
However, they’re each an accessible creative expression that can be both independent from each other and at the same time have a steady relationship.
It’s this creative expression that stretches the association between fashion and interior design on the far sides of aesthetics into one immensely deep construct that goes further into a psychological realm.
Both Interior style and fashion design represent individuals to a personal level. They both equip people with the capability of being inventive, distinctive while allowing others that surround them to perceive them in ways they would wish to.
It comes without any surprise that both these aspects share equivalent trends and aspirations.
We can track this association back through the eighteenth century where most, if not all industries used similar materials to produce fashion articles and interior design artifacts.
Currently, both interior design and fashion share a similar playground; not only in their involvement in current trends but also in collaborations between professional designers and household design entities.
With that, we will …